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compromise solution中文是什么意思

用"compromise solution"造句"compromise solution"怎么读"compromise solution" in a sentence


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  • In the paper , the model for fuzzy big boss games is founded , the core and compromise solution are obtained , and some thorems and properties are shown
  • On the one hand , instead of a single optimal solution competing goals give rise to a set of compromise solutions , generally denoted as pareto - optimal
  • We propose a collaborative and interactive optimization algorithm which provides a method to realize a compromise solution that would not only ensure individual enterprise with a needed business operational efficiency , but also make the whole overall chain run effectively and realize truly value adding
  • It is a well - compromised solution to both the computation resource problem and measure time problem . compared to the integrate average method , which is found widely used in octave analysis , this algorithm saves much computation . dsp - based real time hardware design is also studied in this thesis
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